Athletic Mouthguards

At Caring Dental, we want you to have everything you need to take care of your oral health. If you play sports, you need to minimize your chances of suffering a serious oral injury, regardless of whether you get hit in the face by another player or a ball. We can help you design an athletic mouthguard to meet your needs.

The job of your athletic mouthguard is to protect your gums, jaw, and teeth from a serious injury while playing sports. If you want your athletic mouthguard to do its job, you need to customize it. Our team can help you do exactly that.

The Types of Injuries a Mouthguard Can Prevent

There are a handful of major problems that an athletic mouthguard can help you prevent. A few of the most common examples of injuries include:

  • A chipped or cracked tooth
  • A broken bracket or wire
  • A serious injury to the TMJ 
  • Lacerations of the internal tissues of your mouth
  • A tooth avulsion, which could lead to tooth loss or an extraction
  • Tooth displacement, which takes place when the teeth move backward or forward

We want to provide you with an athletic mouthguard to prevent injuries. If you wear a mouthguard, you can protect your oral health and save money on the cost of a future repair or procedure. We can help you by providing you with a customized athletic mouthguard.

The Benefits of a Custom Mouthguard

When you hear about an athletic mouthguard, you might think you can find one at the local store. You can find an over-the-counter mouthguard, but a custom athletic mouthguard is always better. A few of the reasons why include:

  • A standard guard is too uncomfortable.
  • It might be too loose, causing it to fall out of your mouth.
  • Standard athletic mouthguards might be too bulky to carry around.
  • A standard mouthguard probably does not taste very good.
  • If your guard does not work as it should, you might have to borrow one from a teammate, which is inconvenient.

To avoid these issues, you need to go with a custom athletic mouthguard from our team at Caring Dental. We would be happy to help you customize the mouthguard for proper fit and function. 

When we make your athletic mouthguard, we will take an impression of your teeth. Then, we will customize your athletic mouthguard to match the shape of your teeth. Finally, we will invite you back to our office to try on your athletic mouthguard. We want to make sure it fits well before we are done.

Call Caring Dental for Customized Athletic Mouthguards

If you are looking for the best athletic mouthguard to meet your needs, we would be honored to help you. We will fit you with the best athletic mouthguard to meet your needs. Give us a call today to make an appointment with our team. We can help protect your smile, teeth, and gums.

Get The Smile Of Your Dreams With Our Caring Team

Count on Dr. Wendy Rose-Hyatt, Dr. Allyson Hyatt, Dr. Jake Hyatt, Dr. Mark Lustman, and Dr. Larry Amsterdam with Caring Dental to help you. Contact us today to make an appointment!

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